Legal Notice

HoloMetrix GmbH 
Kasteler Str. 22-24
65203 Wiesbaden

Phone: +49 611 16750960

Authorized representative managing director
Alexander Pfaff

Registry Court
Amtsgericht Wiesbaden
Registration number
HRB 33914
Sales tax identification number according to § 27a UStG
DE 33 54 08 703

Responsible for content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV
Alexander Pfaff (s. top left)

The information provided on this website has been carefully checked and is regularly updated. However, no liability or guarantee can be assumed that all information is complete, correct and up-to-date at all times. This applies in particular to all links to other websites to which direct or indirect reference is made. All information can be changed, removed or supplemented without prior notice. Neither the publication nor its contents may be changed in any way or distributed or transmitted to third parties without the prior consent of Alexander Pfaff.

© 2023 HoloMetrix GmbH 

All rights reserved.
All contents of this website, such as layout, photos, texts, logos, links, are protected by copyright and may not be copied or used in any other form, even in part, without the permission of Alexander Pfaff.

Source information for images used that were not created by the company itself:
Photo by Rainer Lehmann from Pixabay 

Photo by AbsolutVision from Unsplash 
Photo by juv from Pexels
Photo by Negative Space from Pexels
Photo by Green Chameleon from Unsplash
Photo by Andrej Lišakov on Unsplash

Source information of the music used in the product video:
Creative Minds from

Energy from
Music by:


Kasteler Str. 22-24

65203 Wiesbaden

Google Maps

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Contact us

Legal Notice

HoloMetrix GmbH 
Kasteler Str. 22-24
65203 Wiesbaden

Phone: +49 611 16750960

Authorized representative managing director
Alexander Pfaff

Registry Court
Amtsgericht Wiesbaden
Registration number
HRB 33914
Sales tax identification number according to § 27a UStG
DE 33 54 08 703

Responsible for content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV
Alexander Pfaff (s. top left)

The information provided on this website has been carefully checked and is regularly updated. However, no liability or guarantee can be assumed that all information is complete, correct and up-to-date at all times. This applies in particular to all links to other websites to which direct or indirect reference is made. All information can be changed, removed or supplemented without prior notice. Neither the publication nor its contents may be changed in any way or distributed or transmitted to third parties without the prior consent of Alexander Pfaff.

© 2023 HoloMetrix GmbH 

All rights reserved.
All contents of this website, such as layout, photos, texts, logos, links, are protected by copyright and may not be copied or used in any other form, even in part, without the permission of Alexander Pfaff.

Source information for images used that were not created by the company itself:
Photo by Rainer Lehmann from Pixabay 
Photo by AbsolutVision from Unsplash 
Photo by juv from Pexels
Photo by Negative Space from Pexels
Photo by Green Chameleon from Unsplash
Photo by Andrej Lišakov on Unsplash

Source information of the music used in the product video:
Creative Minds from

Energy from
Music by:


Kasteler Str. 22-24

65203 Wiesbaden

Google Maps

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Contact us

Legal Notice

HoloMetrix GmbH 
Kasteler Str. 22-24
65203 Wiesbaden

Phone: +49 611 16750960

Authorized representative managing director
Alexander Pfaff

Registry Court
Amtsgericht Wiesbaden

Registration number
HRB 33914
Sales tax identification number according to § 27a UStG
DE 33 54 08 703

Responsible for content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV
Alexander Pfaff (see above)

The information provided on this website has been carefully checked and is regularly updated. However, no liability or guarantee can be assumed that all information is complete, correct and up-to-date at all times. This applies in particular to all links to other websites to which direct or indirect reference is made. All information can be changed, removed or supplemented without prior notice. Neither the publication nor its contents may be changed in any way or distributed or transmitted to third parties without the prior consent of Alexander Pfaff.

© 2023 HoloMetrix GmbH 

All rights reserved.
All contents of this website, such as layout, photos, texts, logos, links, are protected by copyright and may not be copied or used in any other form, even in part, without the permission of Alexander Pfaff.

Source information for images used that were not created by the company itself:
Photo by Rainer Lehmann from Pixabay 

Photo by AbsolutVision from Unsplash 
Photo by juv from Pexels
Photo by Negative Space from Pexels
Photo by Green Chameleon from Unsplash
Photo by Andrej Lišakov on Unsplash

Source information of the music used in the product video:
Creative Minds from

Energy from
Music by:


Kasteler Str. 22-24

65203 Wiesbaden

Google Maps

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