Our motivation
Our goal is to simplify complex, technical tasks in the daily work of our customers by using Augmented Reality. Thus, mistakes can be avoided and technologies can be continuously improved. This ultimately leads to an increase in the quality of products, protection of the environment and an improvement in the quality of life.
Alexander Pfaff is a mechanical engineer (M. Eng.) and managing director of HoloMetrix GmbH. He graduated from the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences in 2016 with a major in vibration and acoustics. During his studies he already gained practical experience at Daimler AG. There, in the department „Supplier Management Commercial Vehicle Engine Assembly“, he took on tasks such as ensuring the quality of purchased parts, supervising quality campaigns and making complaints about purchased parts. During his master studies he completed several scientific projects at Continental AG in the Chassis & Safety Division NVH – Development. The focus was on the analysis of low-frequency brake noise, the commissioning of mobile frequency analyzers and experimental structural analyses (EMA, ODS and OMA). After his studies he worked as a research assistant at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences until 01/2020. In the context of this activity his fields of activity were contract research for the determination of sound power of large technical systems. In addition, he performed RDE measurements on commercial vehicles and taught practical NVH content in the laboratory. Since 2018 he is a member of the founding project ARA – Augmented Reality Acoustics, which became HoloMetrix GmbH in September 2020.
Mr. Alexander Pfaff also contributed to numerous publications. A selection of these publications is listed below:
- Publications 5th Edition: Brake Handbook (ISBN 978-3-658-15488-2), Chapter 28: Vibrations and Noise (Ed.: Bert Breuer Karlheinz H. Bill / Authors Chapter 28: Holger Marschner, Alexander Pfaff, Paul Leibolt and Giuseppe Maggi-Trovato), Springer Vieweg Verlag
- μ-Symposium (ISBN 978-3-18-380012-4), Investigation of the mechanisms of action of friction-excited stick-slip vibrations using the example of brake creaking and analogous vibration phenomena (authors: Marschner, Holger; Leibold, Paul; Pfaff, Alexander; Morschel, Christopher), Progress reports VDI: Series 12
- 17 VR & AR Meetup „AR-based Acoustic Measurements“ / Alexander Pfaff (2019)
- Polytec User Conference „Acoustic measurements with Augmented Reality measurement technology of the future – a keynote lecture“ (Prof. Marschner, A. Pfaff, C. Morschel, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences) (2018)
- Grazer Nutzfahrzeug Workshop (17.05. – 18.05.2018, Graz), „ From road sweeper machine to 35t-refuse collection vehicle – Potentials and challenges for electrically driven city cleaning vehicles” (Alexander Pfaff (FRA UAS), Holger Marschner (FRA UAS), Reinhold Schäfer(FES)) (2017)
- EuroBrake 2017 Dresden „MOAN NOISE -THE PHENOMENON AND SOLUTION APPROACHES“ (Bauer, Jens (Continental Division Chassis & Safety); Körner, Matthias (Volkswagen AG); Pfaff, Alexander (Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences)) (2017)
Our successes

On May 24, 2022, the HoloMetrix – Sound HUB was honored with the German Innovation Award in „Gold“. With this award, the German Design Council recognizes companies that impress in an outstanding way with new, forward-looking technologies, processes or services.

First place
In October 2019, the founding project ARA (as HoloMetrix GmbH was then still called) was awarded the Startup Booster Award of the city of Wiesbaden.

From January to June 2019, the team of HoloMetrix GmbH passed through the HessenIdeen scholarship. Even today, the founders can still benefit from the large network that was created as a result.

First place
The founding project was awarded the Applied Idea Award of the University of Applied Sciences in December 2018.

Idea Accelerator
From June 2019 to May 2020, the founding project ARA was a member of the Unibator of the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and could benefit from the exchange with the other founding teams and the large mentoring network.

start-up grant
From April 2020 to June 2021, the team of HoloMetrix GmbH (former name: ARA – Augmented Reality Acoustics) participated in the Exist start-up grant of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).
Press and articles
Link: daga21_proceedings
– Autoren: Holger Marschner, Alexander Pfaff, Jochen Krimm
– Erschienen im Tagungsband „Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA 2021“
– Unibator Redaktion Startups From Science
Link: https://startupsfromscience.com/startup_profile/holometrix-gmbh/
,,An Frankfurt UAS entstandenes Projekt „Augmented Reality Acoustics“ erhält EXIST-Gründerstipendium“
– Frederike Mannig | idw – Informationsdienst Wissenschaft
Link: https://idw-online.de/de/news748051
– Unibator Redaktion (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)
Link: https://goetheunibator.de/startup-portrait/im-startup-portrait-ara-augmented-reality-acoustics/
UGW AG Wiesbaden
Link: https://www.ugw.de/blog/detail/sieger-des-startup-booster-foerderprogramms/87/18
,,Das Wiesbadener Startupunternehmen „ARA – Augmented Reality Acoustics“ ist mit dem Startup-Booster-Förderprogramm ausgezeichnet worden und erhält 10 000 Euro.“
– Wiesbadener Kurier
Link: https://www.wiesbadener-kurier.de/lokales/wiesbaden/nachrichten-wiesbaden/ein-forderpreis-fur-die-ara-wahrnehmungsmischer_20488711
,,Forschende der Frankfurt UAS entwickeln neuen Ansatz für die messtechnische Kartierung von Schallfeldern“
– Frederike Mannig | idw – Informationsdienst Wissenschaft
Link: https://www.innovations-report.de/html/berichte/informationstechnologie/ara-augmented-reality-acoustics-vereinfachte-schallmessung-mit-der-datenbrille.html
,,Mit Augmented Reality (AR) lassen sich an industriellen Produktionsanlagen nötige akustische Messungen bis zu 90 Prozent schneller durchführen. Das haben drei Studenten jetzt herausgefunden. Welche Potenziale hat das Projekt?“
– Florian Blum | ke-next.de
Link: https://www.ke-next.de/automation/ar-in-der-industrie-messungen-bis-zu-90-prozent-schneller-118.html
,,Für die Wartung oder Einstellung vieler industrieller Produktionsanlagen sind akustische Messungen nötig. Studenten haben eine Methode entwickelt, mit der die Ausrichtung der Instrumente dank Augmented Reality (AR) um bis zu 90 % schneller klappt.“
– David Schahinian | Hannover Messe
Link: https://www.hannovermesse.de/de/news/news-fachartikel/ar-brillen-optimieren-akustische-messungen
,,Am 8. Januar 2019 wurden 15 Gründungsprojekte von acht hessischen Hochschulen mit dem Hessen Ideen Stipendium ausgezeichnet. Auch dem Team „ARA – Augmented Reality Acoustics“, bestehend aus Alexander Pfaff, Elisabeth Kunz und Christopher Morschel vom Fachbereich Informatik und Ingenieurwissenschaften der Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Frankfurt UAS), wurde ein Stipendium verliehen. Sie haben eine Methode entwickelt, um akustische Messungen an technischen Maschinen mittels Augmented Reality zu optimieren.“
– Virtual-Reality-Magazin.de
Link: https://www.virtual-reality-magazin.de/akustische-messungen-durch-ar-brillen-vereinfachen/
,,Nordend (red) – Unterstützung der Messverfahren zur Schallmessung mit Augmented-Reality, die Käseharfe sowie eine mobile Dunstabzugshaube: Im Dezember wurden die Preisträger des dritten Applied-Idea-Ideenwettbewerbs der Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Frankfurt UAS) ausgezeichnet.“
– frankfurter-wochenblatt.de
Link: https://www.frankfurter-wochenblatt.de/frankfurt/bornheimer-wochenblatt/innovatives-beim-dritten-ideenwettbewerb-uas-ausgezeichnet-11064445.html
Our goal is to simplify complex, technical tasks in the daily work of our customers by using Augmented Reality. Thus, mistakes can be avoided and technologies can be continuously improved. This ultimately leads to an increase in the quality of products, protection of the environment and an improvement in the quality of life.
Alexander Pfaff is a mechanical engineer (M. Eng.) and managing director of HoloMetrix GmbH. He graduated from the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences in 2016 with a major in vibration and acoustics. During his studies he already gained practical experience at Daimler AG. There, in the department „Supplier Management Commercial Vehicle Engine Assembly“, he took on tasks such as ensuring the quality of purchased parts, supervising quality campaigns and making complaints about purchased parts. During his master studies he completed several scientific projects at Continental AG in the Chassis & Safety Division NVH – Development. The focus was on the analysis of low-frequency brake noise, the commissioning of mobile frequency analyzers and experimental structural analyses (EMA, ODS and OMA). After his studies he worked as a research assistant at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences until 01/2020. In the context of this activity his fields of activity were contract research for the determination of sound power of large technical systems. In addition, he performed RDE measurements on commercial vehicles and taught practical NVH content in the laboratory. Since 2018 he is a member of the founding project ARA – Augmented Reality Acoustics, which became HoloMetrix GmbH in September 2020.
Mr. Alexander Pfaff also contributed to numerous publications. A selection of these publications is listed below:
- Publications 5th Edition: Brake Handbook (ISBN 978-3-658-15488-2), Chapter 28: Vibrations and Noise (Ed.: Bert Breuer Karlheinz H. Bill / Authors Chapter 28: Holger Marschner, Alexander Pfaff, Paul Leibolt and Giuseppe Maggi-Trovato), Springer Vieweg Verlag
- μ-Symposium (ISBN 978-3-18-380012-4), Investigation of the mechanisms of action of friction-excited stick-slip vibrations using the example of brake creaking and analogous vibration phenomena (authors: Marschner, Holger; Leibold, Paul; Pfaff, Alexander; Morschel, Christopher), Progress reports VDI: Series 12
- 17 VR & AR Meetup „AR-based Acoustic Measurements“ / Alexander Pfaff (2019)
- Polytec User Conference „Acoustic measurements with Augmented Reality measurement technology of the future – a keynote lecture“ (Prof. Marschner, A. Pfaff, C. Morschel, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences) (2018)
- Grazer Nutzfahrzeug Workshop (17.05. – 18.05.2018, Graz), „ From road sweeper machine to 35t-refuse collection vehicle – Potentials and challenges for electrically driven city cleaning vehicles” (Alexander Pfaff (FRA UAS), Holger Marschner (FRA UAS), Reinhold Schäfer(FES)) (2017)
- EuroBrake 2017 Dresden „MOAN NOISE -THE PHENOMENON AND SOLUTION APPROACHES“ (Bauer, Jens (Continental Division Chassis & Safety); Körner, Matthias (Volkswagen AG); Pfaff, Alexander (Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences)) (2017)

On May 24, 2022, the HoloMetrix – Sound HUB was honored with the German Innovation Award in „Gold“. With this award, the German Design Council recognizes companies that impress in an outstanding way with new, forward-looking technologies, processes or services.

First place
In October 2019, the founding project ARA (as HoloMetrix GmbH was then still called) was awarded the Startup Booster Award of the city of Wiesbaden.

From January to June 2019, the team of HoloMetrix GmbH passed through the HessenIdeen scholarship. Even today, the founders can still benefit from the large network that was created as a result.

First place
The founding project was awarded the Applied Idea Award of the University of Applied Sciences in December 2018.

Idea Accelerator
From June 2019 to May 2020, the founding project ARA was a member of the Unibator of the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and could benefit from the exchange with the other founding teams and the large mentoring network.

start-up grant
From April 2020 to June 2021, the team of HoloMetrix GmbH (former name: ARA – Augmented Reality Acoustics) participated in the Exist start-up grant of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).
Press and Articles
-Startups From Science
Link: https://startupsfromscience.com/startup_profile/holometrix-gmbh/
,,An Frankfurt UAS entstandenes Projekt „Augmented Reality Acoustics“ erhält EXIST-Gründerstipendium“
– Frederike Mannig | idw – Informationsdienst Wissenschaft
Link: https://idw-online.de/de/news748051
Unibator Redaktion (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)
Link: https://goetheunibator.de/startup-portrait/im-startup-portrait-ara-augmented-reality-acoustics/
UGW AG Wiesbaden
Link: https://www.ugw.de/blog/detail/sieger-des-startup-booster-foerderprogramms/87/18
,,Das Wiesbadener Startupunternehmen „ARA – Augmented Reality Acoustics“ ist mit dem Startup-Booster-Förderprogramm ausgezeichnet worden und erhält 10 000 Euro.“
– Wiesbadener Kurier
Link: https://www.wiesbadener-kurier.de/lokales/wiesbaden/nachrichten-wiesbaden/ein-forderpreis-fur-die-ara-wahrnehmungsmischer_20488711
,,Forschende der Frankfurt UAS entwickeln neuen Ansatz für die messtechnische Kartierung von Schallfeldern“
– Frederike Mannig | idw – Informationsdienst Wissenschaft
Link: https://www.innovations-report.de/html/berichte/informationstechnologie/ara-augmented-reality-acoustics-vereinfachte-schallmessung-mit-der-datenbrille.html
,,Mit Augmented Reality (AR) lassen sich an industriellen Produktionsanlagen nötige akustische Messungen bis zu 90 Prozent schneller durchführen. Das haben drei Studenten jetzt herausgefunden. Welche Potenziale hat das Projekt?“
– Florian Blum | ke-next.de
Link: https://www.ke-next.de/automation/ar-in-der-industrie-messungen-bis-zu-90-prozent-schneller-118.html
,,Für die Wartung oder Einstellung vieler industrieller Produktionsanlagen sind akustische Messungen nötig. Studenten haben eine Methode entwickelt, mit der die Ausrichtung der Instrumente dank Augmented Reality (AR) um bis zu 90 % schneller klappt.“
– David Schahinian | Hannover Messe
Link: https://www.hannovermesse.de/de/news/news-fachartikel/ar-brillen-optimieren-akustische-messungen
,,Am 8. Januar 2019 wurden 15 Gründungsprojekte von acht hessischen Hochschulen mit dem Hessen Ideen Stipendium ausgezeichnet. Auch dem Team „ARA – Augmented Reality Acoustics“, bestehend aus Alexander Pfaff, Elisabeth Kunz und Christopher Morschel vom Fachbereich Informatik und Ingenieurwissenschaften der Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Frankfurt UAS), wurde ein Stipendium verliehen. Sie haben eine Methode entwickelt, um akustische Messungen an technischen Maschinen mittels Augmented Reality zu optimieren.“
– Virtual-Reality-Magazin.de
Link: https://www.virtual-reality-magazin.de/akustische-messungen-durch-ar-brillen-vereinfachen/
,,Nordend (red) – Unterstützung der Messverfahren zur Schallmessung mit Augmented-Reality, die Käseharfe sowie eine mobile Dunstabzugshaube: Im Dezember wurden die Preisträger des dritten Applied-Idea-Ideenwettbewerbs der Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Frankfurt UAS) ausgezeichnet.“
– frankfurter-wochenblatt.de
Link: https://www.frankfurter-wochenblatt.de/frankfurt/bornheimer-wochenblatt/innovatives-beim-dritten-ideenwettbewerb-uas-ausgezeichnet-11064445.html
Our goal is to simplify complex, technical tasks in the daily work of our customers by using Augmented Reality. Thus, mistakes can be avoided and technologies can be continuously improved. This ultimately leads to an increase in the quality of products, protection of the environment and an improvement in the quality of life.
Alexander Pfaff is a mechanical engineer (M. Eng.) and managing director of HoloMetrix GmbH. He graduated from the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences in 2016 with a major in vibration and acoustics. During his studies he already gained practical experience at Daimler AG. There, in the department „Supplier Management Commercial Vehicle Engine Assembly“, he took on tasks such as ensuring the quality of purchased parts, supervising quality campaigns and making complaints about purchased parts. During his master studies he completed several scientific projects at Continental AG in the Chassis & Safety Division NVH – Development. The focus was on the analysis of low-frequency brake noise, the commissioning of mobile frequency analyzers and experimental structural analyses (EMA, ODS and OMA). After his studies he worked as a research assistant at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences until 01/2020. In the context of this activity his fields of activity were contract research for the determination of sound power of large technical systems. In addition, he performed RDE measurements on commercial vehicles and taught practical NVH content in the laboratory. Since 2018 he is a member of the founding project ARA – Augmented Reality Acoustics, which became HoloMetrix GmbH in September 2020.
Mr. Alexander Pfaff also contributed to numerous publications. A selection of these publications is listed below:
- Publications 5th Edition: Brake Handbook (ISBN 978-3-658-15488-2), Chapter 28: Vibrations and Noise (Ed.: Bert Breuer Karlheinz H. Bill / Authors Chapter 28: Holger Marschner, Alexander Pfaff, Paul Leibolt and Giuseppe Maggi-Trovato), Springer Vieweg Verlag
- μ-Symposium (ISBN 978-3-18-380012-4), Investigation of the mechanisms of action of friction-excited stick-slip vibrations using the example of brake creaking and analogous vibration phenomena (authors: Marschner, Holger; Leibold, Paul; Pfaff, Alexander; Morschel, Christopher), Progress reports VDI: Series 12
- 17 VR & AR Meetup „AR-based Acoustic Measurements“ / Alexander Pfaff (2019)
- Polytec User Conference „Acoustic measurements with Augmented Reality measurement technology of the future – a keynote lecture“ (Prof. Marschner, A. Pfaff, C. Morschel, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences) (2018)
- Grazer Nutzfahrzeug Workshop (17.05. – 18.05.2018, Graz), „ From road sweeper machine to 35t-refuse collection vehicle – Potentials and challenges for electrically driven city cleaning vehicles” (Alexander Pfaff (FRA UAS), Holger Marschner (FRA UAS), Reinhold Schäfer(FES)) (2017)
- EuroBrake 2017 Dresden „MOAN NOISE -THE PHENOMENON AND SOLUTION APPROACHES“ (Bauer, Jens (Continental Division Chassis & Safety); Körner, Matthias (Volkswagen AG); Pfaff, Alexander (Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences)) (2017)

On May 24, 2022, the HoloMetrix – Sound HUB was honored with the German Innovation Award in „Gold“. With this award, the German Design Council recognizes companies that impress in an outstanding way with new, forward-looking technologies, processes or services.

HessenIdeen Scholarship
From January to June 2019, the team of HoloMetrix GmbH passed through the HessenIdeen scholarship. Even today, the founders can still benefit from the large network that was created as a result.

First place
In October 2019, the founding project ARA (as HoloMetrix GmbH was then still called) was awarded the Startup Booster Award of the city of Wiesbaden.

First place
The founding project was awarded the Applied Idea Award of the University of Applied Sciences in December 2018.

Idea Accelerator
From June 2019 to May 2020, the founding project ARA was a member of the Unibator of the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and could benefit from the exchange with the other founding teams and the large mentoring network.

EXIST start-up grant
From April 2020 to June 2021, the team of HoloMetrix GmbH (former name: ARA – Augmented Reality Acoustics) participated in the Exist start-up grant of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).
press and Articles
– Startups From Science
Link: https://startupsfromscience.com/startup_profile/holometrix-gmbh/
,,An Frankfurt UAS entstandenes Projekt „Augmented Reality Acoustics“ erhält EXIST-Gründerstipendium“
– Frederike Mannig | idw – Informationsdienst Wissenschaft
Link: https://idw-online.de/de/news748051
– Unibator Redaktion (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)
Link: https://goetheunibator.de/startup-portrait/im-startup-portrait-ara-augmented-reality-acoustics/
UGW AG Wiesbaden
Link: https://www.ugw.de/blog/detail/sieger-des-startup-booster-foerderprogramms/87/18
,,Das Wiesbadener Startupunternehmen „ARA – Augmented Reality Acoustics“ ist mit dem Startup-Booster-Förderprogramm ausgezeichnet worden und erhält 10 000 Euro.“
– Wiesbadener Kurier
Link: https://www.wiesbadener-kurier.de/lokales/wiesbaden/nachrichten-wiesbaden/ein-forderpreis-fur-die-ara-wahrnehmungsmischer_20488711
,,Forschende der Frankfurt UAS entwickeln neuen Ansatz für die messtechnische Kartierung von Schallfeldern“
– Frederike Mannig | idw – Informationsdienst Wissenschaft
Link: https://www.innovations-report.de/html/berichte/informationstechnologie/ara-augmented-reality-acoustics-vereinfachte-schallmessung-mit-der-datenbrille.html
,,Mit Augmented Reality (AR) lassen sich an industriellen Produktionsanlagen nötige akustische Messungen bis zu 90 Prozent schneller durchführen. Das haben drei Studenten jetzt herausgefunden. Welche Potenziale hat das Projekt?“
– Florian Blum | ke-next.de
Link: https://www.ke-next.de/automation/ar-in-der-industrie-messungen-bis-zu-90-prozent-schneller-118.html
,,Für die Wartung oder Einstellung vieler industrieller Produktionsanlagen sind akustische Messungen nötig. Studenten haben eine Methode entwickelt, mit der die Ausrichtung der Instrumente dank Augmented Reality (AR) um bis zu 90 % schneller klappt.“
– David Schahinian | Hannover Messe
Link: https://www.hannovermesse.de/de/news/news-fachartikel/ar-brillen-optimieren-akustische-messungen
,,Am 8. Januar 2019 wurden 15 Gründungsprojekte von acht hessischen Hochschulen mit dem Hessen Ideen Stipendium ausgezeichnet. Auch dem Team „ARA – Augmented Reality Acoustics“, bestehend aus Alexander Pfaff, Elisabeth Kunz und Christopher Morschel vom Fachbereich Informatik und Ingenieurwissenschaften der Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Frankfurt UAS), wurde ein Stipendium verliehen. Sie haben eine Methode entwickelt, um akustische Messungen an technischen Maschinen mittels Augmented Reality zu optimieren.“
– Virtual-Reality-Magazin.de
Link: https://www.virtual-reality-magazin.de/akustische-messungen-durch-ar-brillen-vereinfachen/
,,Nordend (red) – Unterstützung der Messverfahren zur Schallmessung mit Augmented-Reality, die Käseharfe sowie eine mobile Dunstabzugshaube: Im Dezember wurden die Preisträger des dritten Applied-Idea-Ideenwettbewerbs der Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Frankfurt UAS) ausgezeichnet.“
– frankfurter-wochenblatt.de
Link: https://www.frankfurter-wochenblatt.de/frankfurt/bornheimer-wochenblatt/innovatives-beim-dritten-ideenwettbewerb-uas-ausgezeichnet-11064445.html